Our latest projects
There is no doubt that we can bring great value to foreign companies in Israel as we have been doing with numerous Israeli companies in Israel over the years…

Opening new markets to a medium size Israeli company in Israel

We needed to open up new markets within Israel for an established Israeli company that has products and services for the hi tech, manufacturing and semiconductor industry.

In an “outside the box” strategic process we identified new market segments in which the company had no presence, but where its capabilities could be an added value.

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Biotechnology: Penetration to the Israeli market

In a creative business approach we saved at least 1 year of sales and BD efforts through “out of the box” collaborations.

An international biotech company with a unique platform for complex research projects in personalized medicine active in the US, Japan, South America and Israel, with HQ in Germany wanted to penetrate Israel’s market

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HP ISRAEL – VP Business Development – one of the world’s best schools for strategic selling

Complete responsibility for Israel’s strategy while developing a close working relationship and full collaboration with HP corporate management in the US and Europe. Among new sectors and major industries Eran led during his position were: Penetrating the banking industry, defense industry, healthcare and much more.

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Eran Eizik  provides outsourced business development, consulting and strategic sales development in Israel, the US, Europe and the Far East and negotiation and closing support for complex strategic contracts that lead to mega sales.

Oryan – the consulting company directed by Eran Eizik, helps companies transform opportunities into business by connecting strategy to DELIVERY and overall responsibility for the entire process with a focus on profitable sales and the bottom line.

Our values

Professionalism – we make uncompromising professionalism and a strong work ethic an integral part of every project.

Reliability – integrity and honesty are apparent in every engagement.

Logic & Intuition – the combination of logic and intuition makes a big difference! While this may seem daunting at first, experience shows that these characteristics ultimately deliver the real breakthroughs

Partnership– We believe in total commitment at all levels – every client and every project is no less mine than my clients’.

Logic & Intuition

ORYAN - Business Development Sales

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