COVID-19 research projects

Support and collaborate in COVID-19 research projects to find a cure and vaccination Eran Eizik of Oryan is representing Sirion Biotech ( ) in Israel. We are currently working on ways to fight COVID-19 most efficiently by joining forces with R&D groups in Israel and worldwide. Sirion Biotech is Europe’s leading viral vector facility, enabling custom gene delivery and silencing in close to any cell type, primary cells included. Sirion’s major added value, and the…

Commercial efficiency in a new era: COVID-19

 How the COVID-19 crisis can create a leap forward towards a new era for company owners and senior executives There are plenty of interpretations, meanings and predictions about the coronavirus, and only the future will tell which are true. But there is definitely a connection between the current crisis and commercial efficiency, creativity and agility in organizations – today, more than ever. It’s clear to me, beyond a doubt, that we’ll reach a new and…

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